Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nova Schin-The non-alchoholic beer for pregnant women (huh?)

I was immediately appalled by this ad because I highly doubt anyone would think this is sexy. The only thing appealing about the pregnant supermodel holding a glass of beer is her face and her breasts in her little gold sequin bikini. The ad is trying to imply many things. They put this beautiful yet oddly, sexy pregnant women in a tiny yet stunning bikini trying to entice people to drink this beer and saying that it is alright to drink this beer while pregnant because it is non alcoholic and as a plus it will give you an image of being sexy while being pregnant. Obviously the target audience here is men and pregnant women. Now I did some research and found that there are trace amounts of alcohol in this beer (appx. .05%) and for that matter, any amount of alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. So that means this ad is promoting not only a lie to lure you into some sick fantasy that the appearance of a pregnant woman wearing a bikini while drinking a beer can be sexy, they are also hiding the serious conditions that may hurt the unborn child upon consumption of this beverage by saying it is "non alcoholic" when in fact it is not. To prove my argument further, I know for a fact that you have to be at least twenty-one years of age to purchase this drink and it is located in the "regular" alcohol section. You do not have to show proof of age to buy grape juice and it is non alcoholic. So again, when you look at this ad, do you still see a beautiful pregnant woman in a bikini sexually enticing you to want this beer or do you question it. What is wrong with this picture? Everything.

I could not post the picture so please check out this link. The picture will really help you understand.
The line below is quoted by the people who also posted this add as shocking and unappealing:

Remember those days when you were six months pregnant and all you wanted to do was relax, slip into your gold sequin bra and throw back a non-alcoholic beer? OK, neither do we.

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